The Investment that Pays off

The Investment

UX research is an investment in the future of your product or service. By investing in UX research, you are ensuring that your product or service is designed with the user in mind, which leads to products that are more user-friendly and enjoyable to use, hence more adoptable and profitable.

The Pay Off

The ROI of UX research can be significant. Studies have shown that UX research can lead to increased user satisfaction, increased conversion rates, and decreased customer support costs. This also brings significant savings in implementation costs by only investing on assured, objective and data-backed solutions.

The ROI on UX investments is 9,900%.

UX stands show that every $1 invested in UX design results in a $100 return. That means that the ROI on UX investments is 9,900%, which is definetly something to bear in mind, especially if you re building a brand website. There is a high chance that a website will be under performing if they are designed with no end user in mind.


80% of internet users are willing to pay extra for a good user experience.

UX statistics show that an astonishing 80% of consumers worldwide would gladly pay extra if it meant getting good website UX quick loading time, a user-friendly interface, and prompt responses. One of the things that companies should be aware of is that they can lose $62 billion per year because of poor customer service.

-UX Planet

The ROI on UX investments is 9,900%.

UX stands show that every $1 invested in UX design results in a $100 return. That means that the ROI on UX investments is 9,900%, which is definetly something to bear in mind, especially if you re building a brand website. Theres a high chance that a website will be under performing if they are designed with no end user in mind.

80% of internet users are willing to pay extra for a good user experience.

UX statistics show that an astonishing 80% of consumers worldwide would gladly pay extra if it meant getting good website UX quick loading time, a user-friendly interface, and prompt responses. One of the things that companies should be aware of is that they can lose $62 billion per year because of poor customer service.
(UX Planet)

Our flexible process is adaptive to the client requirements and scope

At RCDC, We employ a variety of user research methodologies to understand our clients users and their requirements. These include user interviews, contextual inquiries, card sorting, heuristic evaluation, expert reviews, and usability testing to name a few. We use the most appropriate methodologies to identify user pain points, comprehend their needs, and develop solutions that meet their needs while keeping business objectives in mind. We have a flexible yet robust framework to plan any projects, as per the needs, where all design entities of Enigma (Research/UX/UI/Content/Dev) collaborate and empower each other during a projects life-cycle, to get the best outcomes

Kick Off & Requirments

Business Needs
Known user Info
Proto Persona
Compititive Benchmarking

Expert Reviews
User Research
Archetypes & Personas
Stakeholder Interviews
Journey Maps
Task Analysis

Discovery Ideation

Validation & Scoping

Stimuli Tests
Concept Tests
Value Propositioning &
high Level Feasiblity

Information Architecture
IA Validation
Proto – Testing
Feasibility Check


Design State

Design Finalisation
Design System

UX Debts
UX Triage
UI Dev

Implementation & Monitor

Kick Off & Requirements

Business Needs
Known user Info
Proto Persona
Compititive Benchmarking

Discovery Ideation

Expert Reviews
User Research
Archetypes & Personas
Stakeholder Interviews
Journey Maps
Task Analysis

Validation & Scoping

Stimuli Tests
Concept Tests
Value Propositioning &
high Level Feasiblity


Information Architecture
IA Validation
Proto – Testing
Feasibility Check

Design State

Design Finalisation
Design System

Implementation & Monitor

UX Debts
UX Triage
UI Dev

Some of Our Typical Research Deliverables and Activities

Heuristics & Expert Review Reports

Heuristic reports are a type of usability evaluation that uses a set of heuristics, or usability principles, to identify potential usability problems in a user interface. The heuristics are typically based on the principles of cognitive psychology and human-computer interaction.

User Personas

User personas are fictional characters that represent the different types of users of a product or service. Personas are created by combining data from user research with the researcher’s own insights. They are used to help designers understand the needs and goals of their users.

Empathy Maps

Empathy maps are a valuable asset for understanding the User’s perspective and for ensuring that the product or service is designed to meet the user’s needs. They are typically divided into four quadrants: says, thinks, does, and feels.

Journey Maps

User journey maps are a visual representation of the steps that a user takes in order to accomplish a goal. They are typically used to understand the User’s experience with a product or service, and to identify areas where the experience can be improved. Opportunities & frictions are the key.

Competitive benchmarking

Competitive benchmarking is the process of comparing your company’s performance against its competitors using a set of predetermined metrics. This allows you to identify areas where you are doing well, as well as areas where you can improve.

Stimuli & Concept Testing

UX stimuli testing involves exposing participants to different stimuli, such as wire frames, prototypes, or even real products, and then observing their reactions. This can be used to understand how Users interact with different designs, identify potential usability issues, and gather feedback.

Design Workshops

Design workshops are a way to bring together a group of people to collaborate on a design project. They can be used to generate ideas, solve problems, and create prototypes. We facilitate these as needed to have heard every perspective to better understand the problems and solutions.

Usability Tests & Reports

We do usability testing and reporting to communicate the results of our usability tests to stakeholders. This includes providing a summary of the findings, as well as recommendations for how to improve the usability of our products and services. This in turn, helps our design teams to design better solutions.

Value Propositioning & Prioritization

We conduct prioritization exercises to identify the unique value that our designs offer to our customers. This means we consider the needs and wants of our target customers, as well as the features and benefits of our products and services, and help stakeholders to scope the solutions.